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Showing posts from January, 2012

Rooftop Commuters, the Adventure

Saya dan seorang rekan sedang menonton BBC World News malam ini, tiba-tiba tayangan tentang penumpang gelap di atas kereta api di Indonesia menyelinap. Luar biasa, pemberani.

Nostalgia Pemilihan Cagub DKI 2007 - Foke & Prijanto 2

Nostalgia Pemilihan Cagub DKI 2007 - Foke & Prijanto 1

Feel Like A Betrayal

As usual, I brought my son Basil to my office. As a PhD student, I am eligible to have my personal desk with a computer and internet connection, 24 hours, Monday to Sunday. There are a dozen desks and computers for a dozen PhD students, but only a half are occupied completely and the rest are free since the rest of students choose to study at home. Each time Basil comes, I always drag him to the nearest desk to mine. Even Basil thinks that that desk belongs to him. But yesterday, things change. He isn't allowed to use that computer anymore. The student coordinator has blocked the access and sent me note not to occupy that desk. Gee. Yesterday was a deadline to hand in a 1000 words story behind my thesis writing background. A publisher is looking for articles and my research supervisor badly wants me to write one. I was blessed. Basil was just so nice. I holded him in my arms while typing. And I was so lucky because my ideas flow like a river in heaven. And, Basil fell asle

At Joondalup Library

Accompanying Basil to the Joondalup Library. A cozy place to escape from warm air outside. Basil now wants to do every single thing, such as returning videos, finding his very favourite videos and books, releasing magnetic paddocks, and scanning items. O, he is such a big boy now. No wonder. Information desk for Volunteer Jobs  Rack for Volunteering information Self-scanning items Bahasa Indonesia, an optional language  A youth corner

It's Raining!

It's summer. It's too warm. Even yesterday was about 38 degrees according to the iPhone indicator. People are so dying hoping for balmy weather. And suddenly rain drops like a good news from heaven. Trees, bush, and grass about my appartment widely smile greeting the water. And my son cannot hide his histerical scream enjoying wind and water splash. But tonight will be fireworks in the city. O, Rain, please stop before the party...

From 'I Amsterdam' with A Lie

People, you should be shocked by what I've found just a few seconds ago. Check this. Please observe the pictures, particularly the first and the second ones. And read the captions as well. Then, you may check this link  and this link out.What do you see?Are you thinking what I am thinking?  Well, if you haven't been made aware, you should remember a twitwar between Marissa Haque, a politician and artist and Dee Dee Kartika, a new comer singer. Forget about Marissa, let's spot on the second woman. She, according to her company website and online profiles, admitted that she graduated from Universiteit of Amsterdam. People around the planet started to believe that she did, but not all. There was a scholar from Leiden, wondering. He commenced investigating and found that there wasn't any student named as her name on the list of students or alumni. Weird. Even she mentioned that she is doing post doctoral too.  Suddently, this woman

Can You Sleep While Standing?

It's not the first time Basil sleeps while he is standing! Well, it's not standing literally. He is too tired waiting for me working on my thesis. Poor Basil.

Fraud: Mrs Xiao Wei

A hoax comes to my Yahoo inbox. Dear Beloved, I am Mrs xiao wei and i have been surffering from ovarian cancer disease and the doctor says that i have just one week to leave.I am from (Lhasa) China but based in Africa eleven years ago as a business woman dealing with gold exportation with my husband before his death many years back. Now that i am about to end the race like this,without any family members and no child. I have deposited $4.5 Million US Dollars with Ecobank here in Burkina Faso and i instructed the bank to transfer the money to you as foreigner that will apply to the bank after i have gone that they should release the fund to him/her,but you will assure me that you will take 50% of the money and give 50% to the orphanages home in your country for my heart to rest. You are to contact the bank through this email address: ( ) and update me immidately since i have just one to end my life due to the ovarian cancer d


A hoax comes to my Yahoo inbox. Your Email ID has been Winner Of £1,000,000.00 GBP in the National Lottery for claim send your: 1.FullName: 2.Age: 3.Sex: 4.Address: 5.Telephone Number: 6.Nationality: 7.Occupation: 8.Country Of Residence:

A Boy With A Pillow

Who is behind a pillow watching Peppa Pig? Ow, there is a young man behind the pillow Definetely a young man with a bottle of milk! Dot! Dot! Today is Australian Day. Last night, on train from the city to Joondalup, a suburb where I live, young people with cheap perfume were crowding the cars. They headed to pubs. Wednesday nights in Perth are a party night for teens. And this Thursday is public holiday, I can imagine what sort of party they'd have. Today is Australian Day. Offices are off. But, I am not an officer. I do not have off days. I keep going to campus. Today is Australian Day. My wife goes to work and as usual, I babysit. As long as there is an internet connection, everything is gonna be alright. During in my office, I switch on Youtube and Basil may watch all cartoon movies he likes. Today is Australian Day. Keep the spirit!

A Woman and A Girl

Pulang sekitar jam 9.45 pm, maksimum setiap hari kerja, saya dapati Basil sedang sibuk menggambar. Biasanya dia akan girang pura-pura sembunyi menyambut saya. Kali ini tidak. Dia sedang sibuk menyelesaikan gambar. Ketika saya tanya gambar apa, dia tak menggubris. Malah sibuk menorehkan spidol untuk gambar kedua. Saya amati, sosok orang berbadan lebar dan satunya, berbadan ramping. Entah apa yang ada dalam pikirannya. Tapi saya menduga, itu adalah dua perempuan. Jadi ingat kebiasaan saya dulu, melukis dan menggambar. Sayang, ketika saya bercita-cta mewujudkan kesukaan itu menjadi profesi, susah sekali jalannya.

Tak Perlu Mengganti Jika Tak Rusak

Dari jendela ruang tivi, Saya melihat sebuah truk buntet menaiki pedestrian. Tak lama sopirnya turun setelah meninggikan tuas tangga otomatisnya. Saya terus mengamati gerangan apa yang akan dilakukan. Ternyata, ia melap lampu- lampu penerang pedestrian, lapangan, dan taman. Tiba-tiba sesuatu mengganggu pikiran. Mual. Saya teringat, pernah bekerja casual di gedung City Council di Perth sini. Saya punya banyak waktu untuk mengamati lantai demi lantai, termasuk perabotan yang ada di sana. Saya tak menemukan barang baru satu pun. Semuanya barang lama, dari mulai karpet hingga kursi. Semua barang dirawat baik, tak perlu beli barang baru kecuali jika ada yang rusak. Lalu teringat kasus anggota dewan di tanah air yang menghamburkan uang negara atas nama renovasi ruang. Tak ada ruang rusak, tak ada barang rusak. Mereka hanya ingin punya projek dimana mereka bisa memunguti selisih harga yang mereka siagakan. Dan ingin marah rasanya. Seorang kontraktor sedang membersihkan lampu pedestr

It's A Graduation Day! Not Mine, Yet

Tiga orang sahabat saya wisuda setelah dua tahun menyelesaikan kuliah masternya - satu dari Indonesia, satu dari Cina, dan lainnya dari Banglades. Saya mendapat undangan untuk hadir. Basil saya ajak karena tentu saja tak ada orang lain yang jaga sementara isteri bekerja. Sangat sederhana, itu kesan saya. Tidak ada MC, tidak ada hingar bingar paduan suara. Backsound musik diperdengarkan ketika hadirin diminta berdiri dan bernyanyi bersama lagu nasional Australia. Lalu ada dua biolis mempersembahkan dua lagu pendek. Selebihnya senyap, kecuali pemanggilan seluruh wisudawan. Khusus untuk doktor dan PhD, mereka duduk berjejer di atas panggung, di belakang para guru besar. Ah, saya lalu berkhayal, kelak akan duduk di sana juga. Mengamati hampir seluruh kegiatan wisuda hari ini, membuat saya beresolusi. Tahun ini, kuliah saya harus selesai. Supaya Januari tahun depan, saya bisa wisuda seperti ketiga sahabat saya ini. With Clara Sightseeing - Bell Tower in distance With

Melawat Kings Park

Mampir ke Kings Park, niatnya mau buang waktu hingga istri saya pulang kerja. Tapi Basil rewel. Dia tak begitu suka. Padahal, dengan angin semilir di tengah gelombang udara Perth, mestinya nyaman untuk rebahan di bawah pohon rindang.

Just the Two of Us

Since my wife got a job a couple weeks ago, Basil eventually has a lot of time to spend, with me. I wouldn't say it's a bad nor good idea. It's sacrifice.  As I have to keep going to study at campus, he must follow my rule: come to campus as well. And, he won't have his very own behaviour since I will control him as much as I can. I remind, there are some colleagues in the office to deal with. I note, he is desperately following the rule. Poor Basil. Each morning, I and Basil commonly will spend some time at home, do whatever we can do until he gets bored. Or, sometimes I go early to campus if there are a lot of things to do.  As Basil is the only son I have, of course I just share my spare time with him. I imagine, how was my father used to share his time with his oh-so-many children? As far as I remember, maybe I was the only child he took for travelling out. He loved visiting relatives, both from my mother's side and his, with public transports. On Sund

Ingin Membangun Indonesia, Sekecil Apapun Peran yang Saya Punya

Seringkali saya mendapat pertanyaan: habis selesai kuliah, apakah mau menetap di Australia? Sebelumnya, saya selalu jawab 'belum tahu'. Padahal dalam hati, saya tahu pasti apa yang akan lakukan. Namun entah kenapa, selalu saja lidah ini menghindari pengakuan begitu. Suatu hari, saya berbincang dengan seorang mahasiswa dari Ghana. Dia juga menanyakan hal yang sama. Sebelum saya menjawab, kali ini saya tanya balik apa rencana dia. Sungguh di luar dugaan, ternyata tak seperti kebanyakan mahasiswa asing yang kuliah di Australia, dia ingin kembali ke Ghana dan berkontribusi pada masyarakat di sana. Saya tertegun. Hal yang selalu ingin saya ucapkan sebenarnya. Sejak saat itu, tiap kali ada pertanyaan rencana saya setelah selesai kuliah, tanpa pikir panjang saya katakan, saya akan kembali ke Indonesia. "Hidup dan berkarir di Australia mungkin menyenangkan. Namun di sini sudah banyak orang pintar dan berkualifikasi tinggi. Saya ingin kembali ke negara saya, dan melakuk

Ketika 'Kebaikan' Harus Dimenangkan

Perang kata-kata di Twitterland sejak awal Januari antara DK dengan artis MH bukan main sensasional-nya. Tak ada yang bisa saya lakukan kecuali menonton keriuhan ini. Di tengah hiruk pikuk, muncul sosok BY yang datang dengan sebuah pengumuman mahapenting. DK yang menuduh MH tidak layak mendapat gelar doktor, justeru dituduh tidak memiliki gelar, padahal gembor-gembornya, DK ini PhD lulusan sebuah universitas tua di Belanda. Nah, lho! Saya mulai bersiap-siap. Saya menghubungi langsung DK. Menanyakan apa yang terjadi sesungguhnya. DK mengaku pernah lulus dan berhak mendapat gelar itu. Sebagai teman, saya prihatin. Rasanya, kasihan jika dia terlibat urusan berat. Ketika dia berseteru dengan MH, saya ingatkan untuk berhenti. Kali ini, dengan BY pun saya ingatkan untuk berhenti. Tapi DK merasa benar, dia sedang difitnah, katanya. Saya tidak tinggal diam. Mulai ikut melacak lewat Google. Apa yang sebetulnya terjadi. Tak lama, setelah BY yang telah gamblang memaparkan kebohongan D

Nostalgia Pemilihan Cagub DKI 2007 - Adang & Dani (5)

The approach, by satirising the rivals was qualmish. It showed Adang and Dani were not confident to win.

Nostalgia Pemilihan Cagub DKI 2007 - Adang & Dani (4)

Most of messages on posters satirised the rivals. They were funny and comical. But, for most people, that weren't elegant. Besides, Adang and Dani weren't as popular as their rivals. Popularitas is always important, isn't it?

Nostalgia Pemilihan Cagub DKI 2007 - Adang & Dani (3)

Rumour said, this duo was sponsored by a big Taipan. Later, the Taipan was involved in a Governor of Bank of Indonesia election. He supported to give hundreds pieces of travell cheques to legislators in leading them to win the current Governor. Well, rumour has it.