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Showing posts from September, 2015

Tragic News... Gatot Ahmad

Hello & Good Day, Sorry for any inconvenience, I'm in a terrible situation. Am stranded here in Philippines,  I came here for a conference and I just had my bags stolen from me and personal belongings. I have been trying to sort things out with the necessary authorities, the bad news is my flight will be leaving very soon. I need some assistance from you. Please let me know if you can help. Best Regards.

British Petroleum

Do-nation of 900,000.00GBP has been approved to you by Richard & Angela Maxwell. Kindly provide Name--- Mobile number--- Occupation--- Address--- Sex--- Age--- For verification:

Lotre Visa Amarika

Kentucky Consular Center (KCC) sent this message to Usep Suhud ( Your registered name is included to show this message originated from Kentucky Consular Center (KCC) US U.S. Department of State notifies Usep Suhud of being selected as a winner of the Diversity Visa program. Dear Usep Suhud, Congratulations! You are one of the 50,000 winners selected by the computer random draw from the 12.1 million entries registered in the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program. The Diversity Immigrant Visa program is a United States congressional-mandated lottery program for receiving a United States Permanent Resident Card. It is also known as the Green Card Lottery. You can live permanently in the United States as an American resident, enter and leave the country as you wish. You can work, study, or invest. You can gain health, education, social security and other benefits. Getting a Green Card does not affect your present citizenship. You can be 100% sure that you have won the


Dear, User You will be blocked from sending and receiving emails if not confirmed within 24hrs of receiving this automated mail. You are required to update through the link below. UPDATE Thanks for using Yahoo! Yahoo Team.

With the Boys

Perpetual Bruno

Hello Dear Friend, My name is Miss Perpetual Bruno ,  I will like to come and invest with my own share in your kind of business in your country Thank you as I wait for your reply. You can also reply to my address ( ) Kind regards, Miss Perpetual Bruno. +226 78244900


The European Parliament is about to discuss this -- add your name, let’s make our voices heard! Cruel factory farms are pumping healthy animals full of antibiotics and creating dangerous drug-resistant superbugs that can kill us. But if we come together fast, we can get the EU to pass a law to protect animals and our health -- then we'll take this global. Sign now: SIGN THE PETITION Dear friends, Cruel factory farms are pumping healthy animals full of antibiotics so that they can produce more meat, faster and cheaper. This insane cruelty is also creating drug-resistant superbugs that can kill us!   Several European countries have already drastically cut use of antibiotics, and now EU ministers are negotiating laws to do so across the continent. Reducing cruelty to animals while saving human lives is such a no-brainer that even McDonald’s said it'll stop selling chicken reared with some antibiotics in the US. But the farm and pharma lobby is out in full force to stop t

Slavery in Mauritania

hsi-email-logo-2013.jpg    Dear Usep, We need your help to end slavery in Mauritania­. When Moulkheir Mint Yarba came back from a day of tending her master’s goats under the harsh glare of the Saharan Desert, she found something inconceivable: her tiny baby daughter had been left outdoors to die. Her master wanted to punish her, saying she would work faster without the child to tend to.1 It’s like something from another era, right? Sadly stories like this are all too common across Mauritania, a country where slavery remains entrenched in society, and its prevalence is perpetuated by hereditary or chattel slavery - a system where slave status is inherited from generation to generation and is deeply rooted in social castes and wider societal pressures.2 But there is cause for hope. There are a growing number of anti-slavery activists in Mauritania who are working hard to help women like Moulkheir, and to eradicate slavery in Mauritania. The government’s response is to crack down on

Andy Hall

hsi-email-logo-2013.jpg    Dear Usep, Andy Hall has been trapped in a nightmare for the last two years. In 2013 a report, which includes his research, was published stating allegations of worker abuse and slavery-like practices in the factory of Natural Fruit, a Thai company that processes pineapples and supplies retailers around the world. Instead of looking into the allegations, Natural Fruit targeted Andy. He was charged with computer crimes and criminal defamation. His trial starts this October and if found guilty he faces 7 years in prison and more than $11 million in damages.  Following our campaigning, Natural Fruit has already had one of their cases against Andy thrown out by the Thai courts.1 We must make sure the remaining charges are dropped immediately. We don’t need to tell you how unjust this is. In Andy’s own words: “This is about persecution. It's a political case to try and silence me... I'm someone that's revealing things that the government and the in


Haters will hate. Para pembenci Jokowi tak henti-hentinya membuat dan menyebarkan berita negatif. Pembuat berita itu ada para pejabat, ada juga orang asal. Asal komen asal share. Kadang saya ikut terpancing untuk membela Jokowi. Rasanya tak rela seorang presiden dihujat sedemikian rupa. Bukan karena dia pilihan saya, tapi karena seharusnyalah kita menjunjung, menghormati, dan membantu pimpinan kita. Pemimpin bekerja untuk yang dipimpun. Namun meskipun gelombang hujatan datang tiada henti, tak ada satu berita pun yang membuat Jokowi terusik. Apakah dia tak peduli? Bandingkan dengan Ahok. Siapa pun yang menyikut dia, akan dia sikut balik. Dua karakter yang berbeda. Kadang saya berharap, Jokowi sekali-sekali melawan. Bagaimanapun, meskipun Jokowi diam, sebagai orang yang telah memilih dia, saya tidak kuatir. Saya yakin dia bekerja. Dia biarkan orang-orang yang menggonggong terus menggonggong. Dia bertindak saat seharusnya dia bertindak. Beda dengan suasana ketika Megawati memimpin. Rasa

Jalanan Ditutup untuk Potong Hewan Korban

Selama puluhan tahun tinggal di Jakarta, mungkin ini kali pertama saya berada di Jakarta. So, baru kali ini pula punya pengalaman 'terpenjaran' tak bisa kemana-mana karena hampir semua akses jalan tertutup. Jangan untuk mengendarai mobil, motor saja benar-benar tak bisa lewat. Begitulah. Secara hampir pada setiap gang dan jalan ada mushola dan masjid, masing-masing mushola dan masjid itu memotong hewan. Tak ada lapangan yang luas untuk menggelar kegiatan, mereka akhirnya menggunakan ruas jalan.

Pasar Rakyat saat Lebaran Haji

Lebaran haji. Pasar rakyat buka, tapi sepi pedagang, sepi pembeli juga. Mau cari tape, ternyata tak ada.

Pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang Tertunda

Ada beberapa pekerjaan menulis saya yang tertunda: menulis buku 5entang priwisata shariah dan survey tentang boykot pariwisata Bali. Sedikit waktu yang tersisa, tapi keduanya harus selesai dalam waktu dekat. Keduanya didanai universitas, jadi saya bertanggung h Jawab untuk menyelesaikannya. Hup!

On the Street

With the Boys

Rumah Mikro Impian

Saya lagi kesengsem dengan video-video di Youtube yang menampilkan tentang rumah-rumah mikro, apartemen mini dan kecil. Merasa tak mungkin punya rumah besar, lalu bercita-cita pengen membangun rumah kecil di tengah kota supaya mudah kemana-kemana, tapi tetap nyaman untuk ditempati. Mudah-mudahan tahun ini juga bisa memulai. Amin.

On the Street

On the Street

@Factory Outlet

Main ke bogor, mampir di salah satu factory outlet.

On the Street

Kolam Renang Rawamangun

Anak pertama saya sangat suka berenang. Saya dan isteri berpikir mungkin baik buat dia jika dimasukkan ke dalam sebuah klub renang. Mendengar saran seorang rekan, kami mengunjungi Kolam Renang Rawamangun untuk mencari informasi sekaligus menjajal kolam. Well, ternyata ada beberapa hal yang perlu dilakukan oleh anak saya sebelum dia bisa masuk klub: bisa empat macam gaya renang! Padahal, anak saya baru bisa dua gaya. 

On the Way to SMK 31

Pagi ini, kembali ke SMK 31, menjenguk mahasiswa bimbingan saya yang sedang praktik mengajar.

On the Street

Minggu Pagi, Bajaj, dan Metro Mini

Minggu pagi, enaknya keluar rumah, menuju suatu tempat lalu melakukan olah raga bersama keluarga. Apa daya, karena jalanan ditutup ada tetangga pasang tenda mau naik haji, keluar rumah dilakukan dengan jalan kaki, lalu nyambung naik bajaj. Tapi tempat tujuan yang didatengi ternyata jauh dari harapan. Boro-boro mau berolahraga, untuk jalan kaki saja tak layak karena banyak sampah dan semrawut. Akhirnya balik pulang, naik metromini. Buat anak-anak, petualangan pagi ini cukup menambah pengalaman baru.

Keliling Kemayoran

Pasar Ah Poong